

Thank you for all the applications.

富士山大賞2023 授賞式の様子


【1部 披講編】

【2部 講評編】

【1部 披講編】

【2部 講評編】

Award winners



Fujisan (Mt. Fuji) is one of the most popular touristic site in Japan. It attracts people from everywhere around the country as well as around the globe. The number of its visitors reaches 250,000 during the high season, between July and August every year. As the highest mountain in Japan, Mt. Fuji has been a symbol of this country providing spiritual support to the Japanese people since ancient times. Its graceful appearance is often depicted in art, literature, photography and even in company logos. In 2013, Fujisan was added to the World Heritage List as a cultural site by UNESCO. The Fujisan Taisho prize is awarded for the best work of TANKA. It is an initiative to promote the preservation of this magnificent mountain by describing its beauty and charm through TANKA and sharing them with people all over the world. Our hope is to enhance better understanding towards the nature, tradition and culture of Fujisan through which we believe we can develop a better understanding of Japan. Our ultimate aim is to raise more interest in this country and attract more people worldwide towards our culture as well as industry and economy.

Application period Between June, 2023 ~ September 20, 2023
Requirements: TANKA* on / related to Mt. Fuji. It may be of your impression on Mt. Fuji or your feelings and emotions you experienced while climbing the mountain. It does not have to include the word “Mt. Fuji” as long as the subject is on the mountain or mountains in general. *TANKA: a poem of five lines in 31 syllables, however, the number of syllables does not matter as long as it consists of five lines.
Conditions: One TANKA per person.It must be previously unpublished or yet-to-be-released. Send by post using an official postcard or via internet (use application form on this website). Application free of charge
Send to: Via Internet:
Use application form on this website.
Inquiry to :fujisantaisho@gmail.com
Selection Committee Chairman: Mr.Takayuki Saegusa (Director, Yamanashi Prefectural Museum, Honorary Chairman of Nihon Kajin Club)
Selection Committee Members Mr. Hiroshi Homura (Selector of TANKA for Nikkei Shimbun)
Ms. Naoko Higashi (Selector of TANKA for Tokyo Shimbun)
Awards: ・First prize: one person
・Second prize: two persons
・Award for excellence: about 10 persons
・Takashi Okai Memorial Award (Student Best Award): one person
・Best student award: one person
・Honorable mention:20~(to be decided)
Each will be awarded a commemorative gift
Announcement of winners: The event is undecided (will be announced on the website at a later date.) and will be announced on the website at a later date.
Awards ceremony: Scheduled to be held at Meiji Kinenkan on February, 2024
※We will inform you on our homepage at a later date.
Fuji Taisho Executive Committee Secretariat Office 1-7-20 Matsubara, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo
Organized and sponsored by Fuji Taisho Executive Committee
Co-sponsored by: Fujisan Kankyo Bunka Jouho Center
Fujisan Club
World Federation Culture and Education
Promotion Council
Tokudaiji Bunko